About Our Company

Every day, we log in to the stock market hoping to do 3 things:
Understand the market position,
Have a great plan and
of course Make our life a little better.


Why RFA Quantitative Solutions

Our name RFA stands for Rises From the Ashes. It is a famous term related to phoenix the immortal bird that rises from the ashes and fly high. This symbolizes that everyone even though has fallen, should again rise and fly high.
With this in mind, we will share our knowledge and experience in this collection called 22 Bitter Truth in stock trading. Click here to purchase the series.

Our Mission

RFA Quantitative Solutions Mission

We always believe that one should team up with technology to automate and streamline our trading experience. Hence we at RFA Quantitative Solutions have created a system that will quantify the market data on a daily basis to provide us with a potential good trending watchlist automatically.
And we will share with you all here, the system generated watchlist. But remember, good stuff never come cheap. Click here to purchase the latest system generated watchlist. And here to purchase the archived system generated watchlist.